Abeer Ali – CV

Actress, Singer, Project Manager, Artistic Director

20 years of experience in performing arts, cultural management, art direction, communication, and networking skills, based in Berlin. Language skills: Arabic, English, German.

Professional Experience

Berlin, Germany
Project Manager, Artistic Director, Co-Founder
HeschekBeschek project (Jan 2021- Current) Duqqa Beats Project (Jan 2023 – Current) Nilos Music Band (Jan 2023 – Current)

Project Coordinator
“SdF – Sisyphos, der Flugelefant” Theater Company (Aug 2021 – Aug 2022) “Musikmacher Project” Hans Werner Music School (Aug 2019 – Actuel)
Assistant of Production management
Suite42 Theater Company (Mar 2022 – Jul 2022)

Theatre, Music and Performance

​Alexandria, Egypt Jan 2011 – Aug 2016

  • Working with various Independent theater groups “ I – Act, Creation Theater group” – Participation in many theater festivals, nationally and internationally. Cairo, Egypt Jan 2016 – Feb 2019
  • Storyteller, actress, and singer by Elwarsha theater group for singing and storytelling. Hannover, Germany Oct 2017- Mar 2018
  • Actress by the theatrical production “Waldbewohner & Suns of the Desert” by Theaterwerkstatt, Hannover, Germany. Berlin, Germany Mar 2019 – Current
  • Actress at the theatrical production “festmahl” by Barzakh organization, Kaf Project. – Actress, singer, and Storyteller at HeschekBeschek Project
  • Singer at Nilos Music Band
  • Actress at Multiplex Ensemble, Expedition Metropolis Theater
  • Cooking and storytelling performer at Duqqa Beats Project


  • Theatre and Drama Department, Alexandria University, Egypt (2016 – 2018)
  • 2 years of studies at the Theatre and Drama Department of Alexandria University, Deutsche Pop Akademie ( 2023 – Current)

Project Management studying course

Certifications & Courses

  • Weltoffenes Berlin fellowship Berlin, Germany (Jan 2021 – Dec 2021) By Expedition Metropolis Theater Organization
  • Artist Training “ARTISTIC COLLECTIVES UDK Berlin” Berlin, Germany (Jun 2020 – Dec 2020)
  • “Co-Creation Training Program” at Expedition Metropolis Theater Berlin, Germany ( Jan 2021- Jun 2021)



  • The Dutch Embassy, the cultural sector, Cairo, Egypt. “Fallujah, Gate to Hell (Dec.2013)
  • Theaterwerkstatt Hannover(Hannover- Germany November 2017- March 2028) “Waldbewohner & Suns of the desert“
  • Expedition Metropolis Theater, Berlin, Germany (Jan 2021- Current)
  • Hosting management and execution of events of current artistic projects ( HeschekBeschek, Duqqa Beats)
  • Udk “Berlin University of the Arts “Rundgang 2022” together with HeschekBeschek Project, Unfamiliar theater performance
  • Goethe Institute, Berlin, Germany (May 2022)
  • “unfamiliar” Production Frequenzen Feminist Festival May 2022
  • Berlin Mondiale, Berlin Germany ( 07. 2023- Current)
  • Curation, artistic direction, and realization of a series of events with the project HeschekBeschek.


​Artistic Awards

  • Best Actress “Second Role “at the National Theatre Festival 2013, Cairo, Egypt
  • Artist Training Prize 2022, Berlin University of the Arts, production “unfamiliar”.