Caesar, next level

I came, I saw and I conquered was yesterday! Based on Handel’s opera Giulio Cesare in
 Cleopatra and Caesar meet on equal terms. A new tone emerges:
Baroque music meets Arabic music.

The concert performance CÆSAR – next level by the baroque ensemble Stella Maris,
together with the Arabic Music Institute Berlin and the
vocal soloists, puts Handel’s opera in a new light.
A narrator conveys this new perspective and light art opens up the
world of imagination.
Getting closer, actively listening and appreciating each other is the motto – not just
for Caesar and Cleopatra!

The intercultural and interdisciplinary collaboration of the artists
and the concise text work of the writer Claudia Kühn, who elegantly spins the common thread
, has resulted in an innovative performance that is
aimed equally at children, young people and adults.

Project website